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Streamline operations with AI in the background.

Kili helps finance, operations and sales teams automate repetitive tasks.

Our platform is designed to work in the background so your team can focus on what matters.



Flexible software to suit your business.


Automation for everyone

Our visual canvas allows you to customise solutions to your busineess. Leverage the power of natural language and LLMs to customise with ease.


Connect to business apps

Seamlessly integrate with your existing business applications. Ensure your data is in sync across your business.


Run on autopilot

Once you've set up your automation, execute it on demand, trigger it based on emails, on a schedule or when something happens.


Private and secure

See a full log of your what's happened in real-time. Get notified when something goes wrong.

Use cases

Leverage Kili across your business.

Invoice processing

Match invoices to POs, set up custom approval flows, and get real-time exception notifications. Reduce manual data entry, improve accuracy, and free up your team for higher-value tasks.

Sales order processing

Automate invoice tracking and bank reconciliation. Improve cash flow, reduce manual effort, and get real-time insights into outstanding invoices and payments.

RFP responses

Leverage AI to automatically respond to RFPs using your existing contracts. Reduce response time, increase win rates, and free up your team to focus on high-value proposals.

Contract management

Extract key terms from vendor and customer contracts using AI. Get automated notifications for upcoming renewals, improve negotiation outcomes, and reduce manual review time.

Live operations

Automate supplier communication and resolve order issues in real-time. Use AI to extract key information from emails, track order status, and reduce manual intervention.

Sales operations

Find hyper-personalised leads for your sales team and enrich leads within your CRM. Reduce manual CRM updates and help your sales team focus on closing deals.